Saturday, July 22, 2006

Distant Thunder


DISTANT THUNDER © Scott Monteith

12" x 16" Acrylic on Canvas

a change for the good is coming despite what is going on in the world. the people around me are truly good and, like myself, want to become better. better people, better communicators, better at everything they do. I believe the world is about to change again. in the mid 90's there was a feeling that anything was possible, when just years before the outlook was bleak. people were not divided by their government. religion was a persons private relationship with their God, not a public display of how righteous one could assume to be. while there will always be a balance of good and bad I believe that goodness will once again be the predominant feeling in the world. that people will work together for the greater good. it is always darkest before the dawn.


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